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The Brown Noser

Zoom Breakout Room Just Fifteen Minute Discussion About Where Everybody Calling From

Published Friday, October 30th, 2020

Students in The Politics of European Democracies reported that their Zoom breakout room was just a fifteen-minute discussion about where everybody was calling from.

“We were supposed to have an in-depth discussion about the week’s readings,“ said student Devin Plunk, who spent most of the time in the breakout room on mute. “But instead we talked about where we were all living this semester.“

“The professor thought we’d be having an engaging conversation to enhance our understanding of the material,“ continued Plunk, examining the room behind each of his classmates. “All I learned is that Will is living on North Main and Jenna is calling from her house in Hawaii.“

“We were all supposed to answer to one of the discussion questions,“ added Plunk, briefly pretending to have an academic conversation when the TA popped in the breakout room to check in. “I just told them I was living in Keeney which is pretty weird because I’m a sophomore.“

At press time, the breakout room was going around saying what other classes they were taking.

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