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The Brown Noser

Clerical Error Results in Diplomatic Immunity for Poland Residents

Published Friday, October 24th, 2008

Due to the accidental deletion of the word "House" in a Residential Life listing of Poland House Residents, over 50 students living in Keeney Quad currently possess diplomatic immunity.

These students now enjoy total freedom from the laws of the United States and the rules of the university, most notably the ability to double-park anywhere on campus. The deletion in question occurred when the unfortunate ResLife employee responsible spilled a piping hot cup of tea on his lap, causing this political debacle. (This person chooses to remain anonymous.)

In accordance with the declaration of immunity, Poland House Residential Counselors have been altering their planned community events. One upcoming event, an ice cream social/T-shirt making party/barbeque/study abroad info session sponsored by DPS officers, will now also include a friendly debate about the value of the Euro in international markets.

While ResLife representatives say they are eager to rectify the situation, some affected students are in no rush. "I can break all the exit signs I want without getting in trouble!" Michael Filbin '12 told the Noser joyously. "Plus, I'm legally allowed to drink if I'm over 18! Thanks, Vienna Convention of 1961!"

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