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The Brown Noser

The Term "Sexual Deviant" Is Thrown Around Too Losely Nowadays

Published Friday, October 24th, 2008

People blow everything out of proportion these days. They are just way too sensitive and it is a tragic result of this age of comfort. The power goes out, and there are riots in the streets. The stock market takes a tumble, and people stash money under their mattresses. You rub up against a woman on the subway, and you are labeled a "sicko."

All I am saying is people tend to make mountains out of molehills. Nowadays, if you hide in the trees outside a lady's house with a pair of binoculars, you are considered a "peeping tom." I remember a time when something akin to such now demonized behavior would have been called romantic.

Likewise, when I was a young man, walking up to a random woman and flashing your genitals at her was just jocular fun. Now I risk being arrested. Since when is having a little bit of fun a crime? It is bad enough when society shuns certain practices, but the alignment of social prejudices with civil laws is tantamount to tyranny. I was heavily fined recently just because I was caught servicing a male horse. I tried to fight the charge in court, but, alas, there was no justice for me. I still fail to see the supposed "problem" with my allegedly "heinous action" though. I mean, it is not as if I did not own the horse.

I just do not understand why people have to create problems where there clearly are none. People like me are not "bad," "monsters," or "deviants," we simply have different tastes. We are not satisfied by the usual, monotonous missionary positions. Our palates require a bit more spice. Sometimes I feel that nothing can quite hit that spot like the invigorating spark of excitement that comes with wiping my jism on public doorknobs.

Again, it is just different. My point is that this discrimination forces innocent pleasure-seekers and eroticism aficionados such as myself into hiding. When you call a man a monster, and banish him into the shadows, a monster you render him. This prejudice is iniquitous to society as a whole, and it must be stopped.

So the next time that you are about to call someone a "pervert" because he set up a streaming web-cam in the toilet bowl of a women's restroom, think twice. We cannot afford to throw around such terms in such a willy-nilly fashion.

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