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The Brown Noser

Adam Pliskin

Writer (Retired)

Adam's articles

Study Shows Babies Can't Breathe Underwater | Nov 04 2011

A recent study led by Providence resident Jan Fosterman has revealed that infants cannot breathe under water. “While in the womb, unborn babies are submerged in viscous, amniotic fluid and are able to grow and prosper,” said Fosterman.

Grumpy Senior in Keeney Single Urges Freshmen to Get Off His Lawn | Apr 27 2011

Back in September, through a series of clerical errors on the part of the Office of Residential Life, Michael Jenks '11 was forced to live in a single in Jameson House in Keeney Quad. Completely isolated from his fellow seniors, Jenks has since been surrounded by vivacious freshmen who, unlike himself, have yet to be worn down by the coarse sands of time.

"Let's Watch Porn Together" Club Struggles to Maintain Membership | Feb 25 2011

At the start of this semester, Modern Culture and Media concentrator Victor Skrovan '11 was invigorated by the prospect of starting his own student-run film society. He had procured all the necessary signatures and quickly received approval from the Undergraduate Council of Students.

Seriously? Who Pooped in the Shower? | Dec 03 2010

Jesus Christ. What is that? Is that a … No, it can't be. Really? Oh yep. That's a big stinking turd-burger smack dab in the middle of the shower. And now it's on my only pair of flip-flops. Great. This is going to be a good day.

Student Worries Dream May Have Been Racist | Oct 29 2010

On October 20th, Stephen Peterson '12 had a dream that he fears may, in fact, be racist. "At first, I didn't think anything of it," said Peterson. "But then I thought about it some more and I'm really worried that Mel Gibson riding a giant, flying, mythological lizard beast with the head of Harriet Tubman that shoots fireballs out of its mouth at a downtrodden group of Seminole Indians as they walk along the Trail of Tears might be totally Un-PC.

Chatroulette Study Reveals That One Out of Every Three Internet Users Is a Giant Penis and/or Cat-Person | Apr 23 2010

A recent study led by Brown Computer Science Professor Lester Siegel has revealed startling new information about today's internet users. By meticulously studying recurring trends and patterns on the internet website, Siegel and his team were able to uncover that one out of every three internet users is, in fact, a giant penis and/or cat-person.

Religious Studies Professor Speaks in Parables, Dies for Sins | Oct 23 2009

Students in visiting Professor Emmanuel Christos' RELS0110:"Introduction to Christianity" have had significant trouble comprehending the professor's veiled lectures. It seems that the confusion has stemmed from Professor Christos' predilection for speaking in parables said to be "harder to piece together than a goddamn jigsaw puzzle.

Desperate Freshman Constructs "New Dorm/Poo Dorm" Campaign to Deter Upperclassmen from Selecting Vartan Gregorian Housing | Feb 27 2009

As the Brown University housing lottery draws near, Ryan Mitchell '12 has stationed himself outside the Vartan Gregorian building, affectionately known as New Dorm, in an attempt to protect upperclassmen from choosing to live there next year. His reason: it smells like poo.