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The Brown Noser

Crosswalk Sign Changes From “Walk” To “Don’t Walk” Unbelievably Fast

Published Friday, April 21st, 2017

Catching pedestrians off guard and confusing the flow of foot traffic, sources report that one crosswalk sign on Maple St. changes from “walk” to “don’t walk” unbelievably fast. “I started walking right when the ‘walk’ sign came up,” said pedestrian Steph Moore as she did a little jog to hurry across the road in time while also waving and mouthing “sorry” to a car waiting at the light. “I thought I was going at a pretty brisk pace, but I only got two steps in before the sign changed to ‘don’t walk’ and I was really thrown into a high pressure situation. I wonder if the sign is broken or if that’s just how much time we have to walk. The sign just changed from the little walk guy to a solid red hand. There wasn’t even a flashing red hand in between.” At press time, cars could be heard honking at a confident pedestrian who refused to let the sign dictate his speed as he meandered across the street.

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