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The Brown Noser

Drunk Driver Deterred From Getting Behind Wheel By Charming Limerick On Highway Sign

Published Friday, April 22nd, 2022

This weekend, local drunk driver Stan Simpson was reportedly on the verge of driving himself all the way home from the bar, when he glanced at a delightful limerick displayed on a digital sign on the highway that convinced him of the dangers of his current mistake.

“Y’know, I was only a few beers in, and I really didn’t want to pay for the Uber, and I just felt like I could totally do it,” said Simpson. “But halfway through my drive home, I saw this really clever poem on the highway about how I should totally not do that. And it worked! I just up and got out of the car and Ubered home.”

According to Simpson, the poem in question reportedly read, “Are you drunkenly driving a vehicle? / You are not being very strategical, / Drive carefully Stan, / Or come up with a plan, / That doesn’t rely on a miracle.”

“I could’ve sworn the thing had my actual name in it too,” said Simpson, looking fraught with doubt. “I just felt suddenly overpowered by this urge to stop driving… I don’t know, maybe I was just drunk.”

At press time, seatbelt use has skyrocketed thanks to a new silly little rhyming couplet.