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The Brown Noser

Report: Boba Perfect Solution For People Who Want One Hundred Slime Balls In Their Tea

Published Friday, March 17th, 2017

A report released by the US Department of Agriculture on Wednesday concluded that boba is the perfect solution for consumers interested in having one hundred little balls of slime in their tea. “The demand for slime balls has never been higher and boba is the only viable solution,” reads the introduction of the report, which goes on to explain that people will actually pay extra for the slime balls to avoid drinking a normal cup of tea. “When push comes to shove, there aren’t many tiny, edible, slime balls on the market. Especially if you’re narrowing it down to those that you can put in your tea and sucked up through a big straw stabbed through a plastic vacuum sealed lid.” The report concluded by providing a list of the best boba places in each major U.S. city.

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