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The Brown Noser

We’ll See Who’s Laughing When The Great Floodgates Burst Forth And Submerge All The Lands by Man Who Never Takes Off Pool Floaties

Published Friday, September 27th, 2024

You fools! You laugh at me now, but when the mighty floodwaters crash down upon us to cleanse the world of its wretched sin, I will be hoisted to the surface by my floaties! But the rest of you, skeptics, nonbelievers, and those who ridicule me ceaselessly for my fashion, you’ll all be damned! Damned to a fate of treading water for a few hours until you can tread no longer, all the while being jealous of my floaties.

To those who ask why I wear floaties all the time? The answer is quite obvious. This evil world is saturated with so much sin, to the point that the deluge may arrive at any time! And I would look like a real holy fool if I took my floaties off for just a moment, only for the great flood to arrive at that moment and catch me off guard.

I can sense the great flood is soon upon us. All you who doubted me will spend your dying breaths telling me I was right all along. You’ll be looking around frantically for a lifeguard who will never come – all the lifeguards will be too busy trying to rescue billions of other nonbelievers. You’ll all rue the day you pointed and laughed at my floaties. You’ll wish you realized that $15 at Walmart is a small price to pay to be spared on the day of reckoning.

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