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The Brown Noser

Jennifer Shim

Senior Staff Writer

Jennifer's articles

Optimistic TA Unfortunately About to Realize How Stupid You Are | Feb 07 2025

Sources from office hours report that your optimistic TA is about to realize how genuinely stupid you are. “There’s really no such thing as a stupid question,” said Janice Lee ‘25 just as you were about to ask an incredibly stupid question.

Fat Squirrel Borderline Dog | Feb 07 2025

According to recent reports, a fat squirrel is basically a dog. “Is that a dog?” asked Greg Marks, looking straight at the 20 pound, trash-eating, tick-infested beast of a rodent. “Did it just crawl out of the dumpster?” “It might be a chihuahua,” added Angel Marks, also staring down the circle-shaped mammal.

Economics To Assume All Individuals Act Rationally And Would Never Buy A Minion-Themed Maid Costume Off Of Temu | Feb 07 2025

According to recent reports, the entire field of economics assumed all individuals would act rationally and never buy a minion-themed maid costume off of Temu. “Individuals make choices that will maximize their benefit,” said Professor of Economics Steven Hill as you added a bright yellow and denim Temu maid costume to your cart.

Seniors Excited For One Last Semester Of Partying, Hanging Out With Friends, And Feeling The Loneliness Of Adulthood Seep Into Every Fiber Of Their Futile Being | Feb 07 2025

In recent news, seniors were excited for one last semester of partying, hanging out with friends, and feeling the loneliness and anxiety of adulthood seep into every last fiber of their futile being. “I’m super pumped for one last semester with my best friends!” said Ashley Newman ‘25, wondering if she’d ever experience true friendship again or if it’s simply all downhill from this moment onward.

Friend With A Slight Cough Perfectly Fine As Long As They Don’t Speak, Breathe, Or Move | Nov 01 2024

According to a recent report, your friend with a slight cough is perfectly fine as long as they don’t speak, breathe, or move. “Don’t (cough) even (cough) worry (cough) about it, (cough) I’m totally fine,” said junior Julia Kim, slowly turning blue while holding back another cough.

CAPS Therapist Promises To Keep Everything Confidential As Long As You Don’t Mention Anything University Could Remotely Be Liable For | Nov 01 2024

Prior to your CAPS appointment this morning, your CAPS therapist promised to keep everything confidential as long as you don’t mention anything the university could be remotely liable for. “Remember, this is a safe space,” said CAPS therapist Hanover Smith, preparing to toe the line with HIPAA.

I Would Never Turn To Dating Apps. I’m Perfectly Content Being Single by (920)183-1983 | Nov 01 2024

How sad is it that we’ve become so obsessed with vanity and shallow relationships that we choose to invest our precious time into scrolling on dating apps instead of investing time into our 5’5”, cute, brunette, well-educated, Miss America-adjacent selves? Why is our generation so obsessed with the idea of finding someone handsome to complete our funny, emotionally intelligent, incredibly charismatic, yet super kind and caring personalities? To be honest, I think dating apps just freak me out—they feel so vain, trying to get into a relationship without knowing more than a couple of facts about a person.

PLME Actually The One Person You Would Rather Die Before Seeing Become Your Doctor | Sep 27 2024

Following a single conversation, reports found that the PLME you were talking to is actually the one person you would genuinely rather die before seeing become your doctor. “I learned recently that a key part of being a virtuous physician is remaining attentive to the needs of patients,” said freshman PLME Don Honnold, who you’d sooner walk off a broken leg than book an appointment with.

Roommate Suggesting You Play Truth Or Dare Really Just Interested In Knowing If You’ve Been Using Her Shit | Sep 27 2024

Following a tense dinner, reports found that your roommate’s suggestion of truth or dare was actually just a ruse to find out if you’ve been using her shit. “No, I promise it’ll be fun!” said Megan Greene ‘25, who knows you’ve been using her shampoo.

Untortured Artist Reveals Wholesome Family Portrait Instead Of Avant-Garde Piece On Reptilian Depression | Sep 27 2024

To the disappointment of those attending his art show, untortured artist John O’Malley revealed a drawing of a wholesome family portrait instead of an avante-garde piece on reptilian depression. “I wanted to create something that represented the love I have for my family,” said O’Malley, who would’ve painted nihilistic crocodiles composed entirely of human eyeballs had his parents not been so supportive of him as a child.

Literary Arts Concentrator’s Poem Definitely Could’ve Just Been A Sentence | May 03 2024

Following its publication, reports stated that Literary Arts concentrator megan decker’s poem definitely could’ve just been a sentence. “i wanted to use spacing/ to emphasize the/ heart/ break/ behind my words,” said decker, who likely could’ve made her point much clearer by writing her words in a sentence.

Professor Who Needs You To Get a Dean's Note Would Honestly Rather See You Die Than Help You Out | Mar 15 2024

While attempting to receive an excused absence for Friday’s class, sources reported that Professor Josh Hamilton — who requires a dean’s note — would honestly rather see you die than help you out. “Unfortunately, you’ll need a dean’s note to have an excused absence in my class, “ said Hamilton, grinning while watching your body slowly corrode from illness.

Friend Turning Twenty Probably Gonna Die Soon | Feb 16 2024

According to a recent report, junior Sidney Jones is probably gonna die soon after her twentieth birthday. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without her,” Jones’ friend Megan Wang wailed. “God, she’s not going to be able to walk, or move, or go five minutes without talking about how terrible the job market is.” “At least she’ll be happy up in heaven,” Wang continued as tears continued to stream down her young, unwrinkled face.

Brown Dining Services Sustainability Initiative Recommends Students Go Eat Somewhere Else | Feb 16 2024

Brown Dining Services recently recommended that students go eat somewhere else as a part of their sustainability initiative. “Just by switching over to reusable takeout containers, we’ve managed to save an astounding 203 pounds of waste,” said BDS representative Caroline Stevens, sitting in front of her twelve sustainable Stanleys.

Today@Brown Research Study Recruiting Participants Ages 20-21, Tall, With Green Eyes, Preferably Named Jason | Dec 08 2023

A Today@Brown paid research study recently began recruiting participants, with eligible volunteers being men between the ages of 20-21, tall, green eyes, dark hair, preferably named Jason. “It’s important that we recruit a diverse group of young people for our study,” said recruiter Joan Alstine, specifying the volunteers should be single, own a green backpack, sit in the 2nd row of CHEM 330, and have a smile that would light up your whole world.

Perkins Rat Isn't Thrilled To Be Living So Far From Main Campus Either | Dec 08 2023

After receiving criticism from members of the University, Perkins’ rats announce they aren’t thrilled to be living so far from campus either. “Who in their right mind would willingly choose to live here?” said one Perkins rat, skittering across the sidewalk every six seconds.

CAPS Suggests Not Going To CAPS For Support | Oct 27 2023

In light of an astounding number of students requesting mental health services, the University’s CAPS recently suggested students not go to CAPS for emotional support. “We recommend that students not go to Counseling and Psychological Services for counseling or psychological services,” said counselor Marc Hamil, concerned about the impact that Brown’s mental health specialists could have on the student body’s mental health.